Sunday, July 5, 2009

Paranoid over Appliances!!!!!!!

Appliances must have their own secret language. When one starts to grumble , moan, spitter & cough---they all seem to follow. Yes, I am battling with appliances. I actually thought I had gotten it all under control! So proud I was! then.....

A few years ago I bought a new fangled washer----some strange double name that called to me with promises of innovation, sucking out more water from the clothes thus saving water, automation, self adjustments etc etc. Oh, I thought=='wow!" fancy me---I'll be an innovater, I'll be an environmentalist! I'll have something ahead of the game!

Sigh! Talk about loosing that battle. Ambush! At first, the shiny pretty thing was fine---it worked fine. Then, I started to realize that my clothes would come out quite wrinkled. What is this? This should not be! I must be doing something wrong! It can't be my miracle washer! Folks, if water is sucked out & not much is used to begin with, the result is sucked up clothes----with least in my house.

Now, I tried to bolster my spirits with the thought of "well, I am saving green'

That worked for awhile (even though I had to use more electric as I had to iron more--and longer) It got me along. then, like a smack in the face with water---the doggone thing would not run through it's cycles. Instead of advancing automatically to the next cycle on the machine---it would beep beep beep! Like a baby,it would cry out to me to come change it! I had to push the glowing, high tech digital buttons to move onto the next step. Sometimes only one would need advanced---sometimes more. Sometimes, it would do it all on its a good child. Usually getting to the rinse cycle solved the problem.. Other times, well, trying to stay positive, I would tell myself "at least I can say I got some exercise running up & down the stairs to my basement". oh how I lie. haha

So, after a couple of years of washing clothes in suspense--will it work? won't it? The rinse cycle got in on the act. That's the secret appliance language ganging up on me again! hum! Ok....ENOUGH! Start the search for a new one---And this time I think I'll get washer & dryer. My old ancient dryer is still doing an okay job---but, surely there's got to be a matched set out there for me!

Research research research----getting recommendations. I don't need anything too fancy or big. Preferable on sale & will have my clothes come out not too wrinkled. I would get these strange looks from the appliance salesmen (usually men!) when I would mention I don't want my clothes to shrink & wrinkle.......It is just for me, afterall----and the occasional "live in visits" that last for a few months at a time from my daughter. Months go buy, I am afraid of making the same mistake again. Tale the Plunge!

to be continued......

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This is me-----by one of my dearest friends. I love it. One of my favorite gifts EVER!!!!!!

MICHAEL did we know you?

July Fourth!!!! A day of forging new ideas.... of Change..Changes...Trying to Change?

Aw well, let me take on this new challenge of blogging......putting my thoughts on paper...hmmm where to begin?

Thoughts on....Michael

Only one Michael---well, that is not entirely true. Mr Jackson came in more than one style--and truly all of them his own.

I must admit that I am having many feelings & thoughts on his life & death. My first & most immediate thoughts of him are as a young boy---the Jackson five. This impish happy, charesmatic little boy with his whole future in front of him. Virtually Glowing with Excitement. Man, the boy could move! He made watching him an experience. Little did I know at that time what a experience and roller coaster ride his life would be.

I think part of my macabe fascination with his death is because I want to understand what happened? What was going on in his mind? What things effected him in such a manner to bring about all of the changes he went through. What was it Michael? Tell me. And now..we can only muse about it. I think I wanted the day to come, when he was old, and being retrospective, he would explain his life and changes to all of us. To me it is fascinating to think of his mind & what was firing around in there.

My heart is heavy for this whole situation. My feelings caught me by surprise. I think it is more of the not knowing, but always hoping someday I would understand. It seems that such talent, creativity & genius is often so close to " insanity", paranoia, mania, depression.....thin line between genius & insanity. It does seem to go hand in hand. But by anyone's standard he was Genius. I've learned more about this over the past week and a half...and gained even more admiration (as I try to erase all the controversies from my memories & mind--don't go there) for the man/boy.

Till then, Michael will be a coated in a vaseline like substance----sometimes making him sparkle & glow, sometimes people just wanting to "smear" it, sometimes as a protective suit of armour---don't touch, look at me! go away! come here! sometimes as a statue, But all the while....thinking, creating, and often, just wanting to wash it all off & just "BE"

We will miss you Michael. You will be immortal. Your music & dance have made music/dance history. Thank you for all of that & may you now be in peace